Work With Me

Why Coaching?

Because the dream of work-life balance that we seek, has for many of us, been long-forgotten. 

As we strive for success and our To-do list seems never-ending, we tend to put ourselves at the bottom of that list. With the loss of focus on our health, we jump from task to task, overwhelmed and anxious, which therefore negatively impacts our whole life. As busy professionals, we cannot afford to ignore our health.

Coaching gives objective support and accountability. No judgement and no disappointments. Just the opportunity to take control of your own life, to manage it on your terms and be aware of the pitfalls and stay focussed on your goals.

Another key area I focus on is keeping it simple. Henry Ford said “whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right” so as a coach, I help you find a simple way to keep your mind focused on your personal goals without getting overwhelmed.

Book your complimentary consultation for tips, facts and inspiration to focus you on your success journey, and learn how I can support you

Together we can work to reclaim your vision of what work-life harmony looks like for you.

We will identify and embed new habits while using a selection of tools to decrease your body’s heightened stress response so you can increase your resilience and be more productive.

We will grow your knowledge of nutritious foods to bring your unique metabolism into balance, allowing you to feel more energised and focused.

After being in the health industry for over 25 years, I have seen that there is not a one-size-fits-all approach for long-term success.

I take a stand in empowering you to make sustainable changes and I want you to really step into the new you!

I want to help you create the change that you’ve been wanting and trying to create for a very long time.

I know that if we work together for a few months, it’s going to give you a new strategy and maintain a new way to think.

I’m not about tactics – I’m about the transformation so that you truly can feel amazing!

Overwhelmed, Exhausted & No Spare Time?

Is stress overwhelming you and you don’t know how to help yourself?

Are you overworked, overtired and not seeing the results?

In my experience, working together for a period of time is what brings about long-lasting change.

The key is to have the right support, accountability and flexibility so that your programme fits your needs.

I offer three levels of support programmes to fit your needs and budget.

Work with me and we will

  • Calm-the-chaos-of-overwhelm,
  • Identify achievable goals, and
  • Embed new habits that will improve your productivity
  • Enhance your resilience and clarity
  • Restore your health – both now and in the future.